Electric community cargo bike launched at Stockwell Park
SNG customers and the wider community in Stockwell Park, Lambeth are set to benefit from a new e-cargo bike launched on Tuesday 28 January. For only 75p per 15 minutes (£3 per hour), users will be given a new, power assisted, sustainable option for small family outings, shopping trips and much more.
The cargo bike is sponsored by Lambeth Council as a community transport initiative, with a number of the bikes wheeled out across the borough, and managed by OurBike Ltd. Residents can book the bike via the OurBike App available through their website.
Stockwell Park Community Centre is hosting the cargo bike, maintaining the spare battery charged up and ready to swap and go. As well as £10 per month from Lambeth Council for electricity used charging the bike, the community centre is additionally entitled to 20 hours free use per month.
Meanwhile SNG and SW9 Community Housing have assisted with the launch of the bike, identifying a perfect location opposite the community centre, while contractor partners Kingsbury Construction supplied and fitted the rail to secure it.
The bike fits in well with all the sustainable transport elements of the renewed Stockwell Park and Robsart Village Estates with resident cycle stores, parking free streets, car club spaces, electric vehicle charging points etc. It’s also in line with our recently launched Sustainability Strategy ensuring we’re offering an improved environmental and social impact for our communications.
Since 2007 SNG and predecessor organisations have invested heavily in Stockwell Park by building new homes, refurbishing, and improving existing homes and upgrading community spaces on the estate.
Tim Goodwin, Regeneration Manager at SNG and Board Member for Stockwell Park Community Centre, commented: “This welcome initiative of Lambeth Council and OurBike immediately excited us, fitting in perfectly with our aspiration to encourage healthier sustainable transport options for all residents, as we transform the estate.”