SNG launches #iwill Youth Network in partnership with The Foyer Federation
SNG is pleased to announce the launch of our new #iwill Youth Network in partnership with The Foyer Federation.
The SNG #iwill Youth Network is for individuals from organisations with an interest in youth social action to make connections, share best practice and come away with new skills and ideas.
The Foyer Federation will source guests and sector experts to speak at quarterly network meetings, and there will be plenty of opportunities to connect with local organisations and look at working in partnership and learn from each other’s experiences. We will also issue a quarterly e-newsletter with updates, good news stories and any resources or learnings.
Ellie Cutler, SNG #iwill Fund Project Officer, said: “Having had the privilege of managing the previous version of the SNG #iwill Youth Network from July 22 to December 23, I’m super excited to be able to relaunch with such a fantastic partner to embed our previous learning and have a more significant impact on even more organisations and their young people. I’m looking to facilitate localised networking opportunities, which was requested by previous Network members, while creating a safe space for people from a variety of backgrounds to come together to form key connections, share their experiences, ask questions and discuss potential solutions to barriers they are experiencing.
I’m so thankful to be able to facilitate such an exciting opportunity for collaborative working to further our investment into our thriving communities and demonstrate that we aren’t just awarding grants through the SNG #iwill Fund, we’re providing essential wrap-around support for our stakeholders to build sustainable youth social action projects that leave a legacy.”
Kate Russell-Ellis, Head of Programmes and Network at The Foyer Federation, said: “The Foyer Federation is very pleased to be working in partnership with SNG to support the delivery of the SNG #iwill Youth Network this year. From our experience of facilitating a network of foyers, we know just how powerful it can be to connect with other people who are working to make positive change with and for young people. We're looking forward to exploring inspiring ideas and practical approaches with a group of professionals keen to grow their practice and widen their network.”
Our first meeting will be held virtually via Zoom on Thursday 16 May from 10:30am to 12:30pm and will focus on Working Effectively with Young People.
If you’d like to attend and/or join the SNG #iwill Youth Network, please complete this form.
Find out more information on our webpage.
The #iwillFund is made possible thanks to £66 million joint investment from The National Lottery Community Fund and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport to support young people to access high quality social action opportunities. SNG is acting as a match funder and awarding grants on behalf of the #iwill Fund.